FBI Disrupts Notorious Kelihos Botnet
The Justice Department has disrupted the Kelihos botnet, one of the more prolific and long-running spam and malware networks, by sinkholing the botnet’s command-and-control servers after the arrest of a Russian man officials allege is Kelihos’s operator. The botnet has been operating since at least 2010 and has infected hundreds of thousands of computers around […]
New Leet Botnet Generating Huge DDoS Floods
A new botnet that is capable of some of the larger DDoS attacks ever seen has emerged in the last few days, launching floods of up to 650 Gbps and using a unique payload that researchers say is effective at evading security systems. The network came to light on Dec. 21 when researchers at Imperva […]
Large Network of Compromised Embedded Devices Found
The word botnet usually conjures images of hordes of compromised PCs being used for DDoS attacks or malware operations, but researchers in the Czech Republic has discovered a large network of compromised CCTV cameras, routers, and other embedded devices that’s growing by tens of thousands of devices per day. Since the end of May, researchers […]