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Email Compromise Campaign Hits Hundreds of Companies

A large-scale, long-term business email compromise campaign has been targeting large industrial companies, including those in the energy, metals, and power sectors. The campaign has been running for several years and has included a variety of tactics, namely compromises of corporate email systems, network exploitation, social engineering, and highly targeted phishing messages. Researchers at Kaspersky […]

New IRS Phone Scam Tied to Prepaid Debit Cards

Although tax season has been over for two months now, phone scammers are continuing to target victims with a new version of the venerable IRS phone fraud scam, using the agency’s electronic payment system as a lure. The latest iteration of the scheme involves scammers calling victims and trying to bully them into paying imaginary […]

Study Finds Concerning Flaws in VoLTE Platforms

In recent years as VoLTE (Voice over LTE) services have grown more popular and the nation’s four largest cellular networks have adopted it, security concerns have begun to arise. In a new study presented at the Symposium on Information and Communications Technology Security (SSTIC) three researchers from P1 Security found new vulnerabilities and confirmed old ones regarding […]

Democrats Ask FCC to Dump Ringless Voicemails

A group of Democrats is asking the FCC to prevent robocalls telemarketers and political candidates from being able to use ringless voicemails to deliver their messages to consumers. The use of ringless voicemails is a controversial technique, because it allows callers to deliver voicemails directly to consumers without actually ringing their phones. Rather than using […]

FBI Seeks $21M to Counter Encryption

The FBI is asking for more than $20 million in the 2018 fiscal year budget to counter what the bureau sees as the threat of encryption, both in devices and in real-time communications tools such as text or voice apps. The request is part of the Department of Justice’s proposed budget for the next fiscal […]

DHS Points Finger at North Korea for Long Cyberattack Campaign

The United States government has issued a warning about an ongoing series of DDoS attacks and other cyber operations that it says began in 2009, and is pointing the finger squarely at North Korea. On Tuesday, the US-CERT, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security, published a technical alert in conjunction with the […]

Microsoft Releases Patches for Older Versions of Windows, Warns of Nation-State Attacks

Microsoft has taken the unusual step of issuing patches for a number of security vulnerabilities in older versions of Windows that the company says are “at heightened risk of exploitation” from nation-state attackers. As part of its normal Patch Tuesday update release, Microsoft released fixes for 16 vulnerabilities that affect several versions of Windows, including some that […]

Government Set to Release Declassified FISC Opinions

The Department of Justice today is set to release a set of documents detailing previously classified opinions from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court regarding government surveillance of U.S. citizens. The release is the result of a FOIA request and lawsuit filed by the EFF in 2016 and the opinions are directly related to the […]

Recap: Pindrop at MoneyConf in Madrid

According to BBC, MoneyConf is “where the world’s largest banks and tech firms meet.” This year, over 1800 top names from 69 different countries attended – from CEOs of global financial brands to the founders of the world’s most disruptive startups. For two days, all attendees had access to keynotes, fireside chats, workshops, and panel […]