Uncover hidden fraud activity
Pindrop Trace™ technology uses advanced graph analysis to correlate account activities across calls, analyzing relationships between seemingly unrelated data points and identifying patterns that indicate possible future fraudulent activity.
Cast a wider fraud detection net
Connect the dots between accounts and calls made–spotting account reconnaissance in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and helping flag at-risk accounts early.

Predict at-risk accounts
Identify and focus on protecting high-risk accounts up to 60 days before attempted fraud.

Take a holistic look
Spot fraudulent activity across all channels by evaluating seemingly disconnected data.

Protect your IVR
Save up to $3.5M in annual fraud losses by protecting your IVR system.1
The power behind our solution
Our Trace™ tech provides part of the foundation for our Pindrop® Protect solution, which offers comprehensive risk analysis and fraud detection.

Pindrop® Passport
Minimize the need for expensive, traditional methods like security questions or OTPs with comprehensive, highly reliable fraud detection tech that provides a single risk score for both the IVR and agent stages of a call.
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