Tens of Thousands of Machines Still Open to EternalBlue Bug
Weeks after the WannaCry and NotPetya ransomware campaigns emerged and months after Microsoft released a patch for the vulnerability the two pieces of malware used to spread, more than 60,000 machines are still vulnerable to the bug. The vulnerability, which lies in Microsoft’s implementation of the SMB protocol, has been part of both the WannaCry […]
WannaCry Still Causing Trouble a Month On
More than a month after the WannaCry ransomware began making its way through networks around the world, the worm still is causing serious trouble in some places. Honda this week had to shut down an auto assembly plant temporarily due to a WannaCry infection, and the ransomware also has hit traffic cameras in Australia. Officials […]
Researchers Find Deeper Links Between WannaCry and Lazarus Group
The links between the WannaCry ransomware and the Lazarus group, which is believed to be responsible for several high-profile attacks, are deeper and more substantial than previously thought, according to new evidence unearthed by security researchers. The Lazarus group is a hacking team tied to North Korea that researchers have linked to a number of […]
WannaCry Ransomware Infections Slow as Researchers Fight Back
Three days after the WannaCry ransomware outbreak began, many organizations are still fighting it, despite some temporary solutions implemented over the weekend and the release of some tools to help stop new infections. The ransomware ran rampant through a number of hospitals, telecom providers, and other companies throughout Europe on Friday and continued to spread […]